Reading Instruction has an Efficacy Problem
10 million – 15 million children in the United States are struggling with literacy. In fourth grade, one in three readers are below even basic levels of literacy, only one in three are proficient, and fewer than one in ten are advanced. This literacy gap exists within schools and even classrooms, and often even between siblings. It persists through to high school and into adulthood, and has stubbornly persisted through generations despite decades of research, television programs, and now even attention hacking mobile apps. The question is, why should it persist?
Sara.ai Books publishes creative content with the goal of helping all children master reading. Founded by Russ Fugal, we believe our innovations will deliver better than ten-fold improvements in efficacy and bring fourth-grade level proficiency to nearly all early-grade readers.
Simply put, what we're developing is practice of fluency; like an IDE for emerging readers — an environment that augments their human abilities with responsive immersion powered by impossibly fast computations.

With the launch of worksheets.sara.ai, we are validating the practice of Learning by EAR, collecting fluency data to refine our fluency-prediction models, and preparing to start earning revenue within six months. We will revolutionize literacy instruction and teach a billion people to read within the decade.
Watch the two recent startup pitches Russ made in 2021 at 1MillionCups Provo and 1MillionCups SaltLake.
If you want to join the team, send a resume to [email protected]
Removing the Frustration of
Learning to Read.™